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The Take Away Project in Kaaitheater
For The Take Away Project, artist Kevin Trappeniers removed a piece from Kaaitheater theatre’s floor. This piece will find a new home at...

Ephemeral Focus - tekst over de expo door Sofie Crabbé
Curator Sofie Crabbé schreef een tekst naar aanleiding van de group expo Ephemeral Focus. Tussen de artistieke praktijk van Evelien...

Field of View - Tekst van Freek Mariën gepubliceerd bij De Nieuwe Toneelbibliotheek
Freek Mariëns tekst voor Field of View werd gepubliceerd in De Nieuwe Toneelbibliotheek. Bestellen kan online bij De Nieuwe...

'Overlap' Expo op radio Klara
Interview over de reizende tentoonstelling 'Overlap' in het radioprogramma Pompidou op Klara, met kunstenaar Frank Merkx en...

'Overlap' Expo in HART art magazine
'Over Overlap', artikel van Marc Ruyters in HART kunstmagazine: foto: © Catherine Smet

'Overlap' Expo in HLN newspaper
' “Kunst en wetenschap gaan perfect samen”: reizende expo OVERLAP strijkt neer in Antwerpen', artikel in de krant HLN:...

'Overlap' Expo - travelling exhibition starts during Antwerp Art Weekend
'OVERLAP - The Expo' is an exhibition to fuel the dialogue between art and science. The expo will travel to five Belgian university...

Group exhibition: Ephemeral Focus
Group show with Evelien Cammaert, Lola Daels, Joris Perdieus, Nick Steur, Kevin Trappeniers, Karl Van Welden. production: Tiny things vzw...

Observatory op Winternights Festival in Theaterkrant (nl)
"Kunstenaars grijpen naar nieuwe vormen" - recensie Theaterkrant over Winternights 2020 (Organisatie C-TAKT, VIA ZUID & SoAP Maastricht)

The Young Academy - video portrait as virtual inauguration (nl, en, fr)
At the beginning of this year, the Young Academy elected 12 new members. Due to the corona crisis, their inauguration could not take...

Observatory - essay and dialogue text by dramaturge Elisa Demarré (nl)
Dramaturge Elisa Demarré wrote a dialogue text and an essay on the occasion of Trappeniers' installation Observatory. Both can be read or...

Book launch "Overlap - The no man’s land between art and Science"
De Jonge Academie biedt met deze publicatie een hedendaagse staalkaart van de veelheid aan praktijken op de grens - of in de overlap -...

The Young Academy - new members
The Young Academy (De Jonge Academie, Belgium) chose 12 new members for the periode 2020-2025, among which Kevin Trappeniers. The Young...

Resident interview at CC De Grote Post
New work in the making at De Grote Post in Oostende. An interview about it appeared on their blog page. (in Dutch)

Ellipsis in HBvL newspaper
"Gsm-straling in beeld en geluid", article about Ellipsis playing at the IMPACT Festival in CCHA, in newspaper Het Belang van Limburg:...

AntennA in BRUZZ magazine
"Kaaitheater infiltreert het Muntplein met nieuw festival 'Cityland'.", article in BRUZZ Magazine. read:

Ellipsis & AntennA - dramaturgical text by dramaturge Elisa Demarré (nl)
Dramaturge Elisa Demarré wrote a a dramaturgical text about Trappeniers' works Ellipsis and AntennA. It can be read or downloaded here:...

De Jonge Academie werkt aan Overlap – The Borderland between Art & Science
Overlap wordt een verzameling van kunstwerken en essays, op het snijvlak van kunst en wetenschap. Het boek wil de versmelting en de...

Visual work at Winter Ghost Festival
Raveyards, Trefpunt & Afsnis joined forces for the third edition of ‘Winter GHOST’. The dark evening walk again took place in and around...

Asymptote (video art version) in DeKoer on art festival TUMULTINGENT #5
Asymptote (video art version) van Kevin Trappeniers is te zien in DeKoer op het Kunstenfestival TUMULTINGENT, platform voor beeldende...

Asymptote (video art version) in Amsterdam Alternative newspaper - Review On embodiment and agency
What is the relation between the body and the space that it occupies? The space of action, and the space of the realisation of the self....

Selfed, soundtrack by Kreng - review Gonzo Circus magazine
Review of the music for Selfed by Kreng and the artwork for the release in Gonzo Circus music and culture magazine. More info:...

Book Launch 'The Wonderful Workspace of the Future'
Arts Workspace BUDA launches on October 8th 2016 the publication of a collection of 151 artists' visions on 'The Wonderful Workspace of...

Selfed, soundtrack by Kreng - review Freq music magazine
Review of the music for Selfed by Kreng by online music magazine Freq.
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